
My Go-To Herb Motherwort

Hey ya'll ~ gonna be putting the You Know Herb podcasts on youtube for easy sharing and to spread the word about our fabulous herbal friends. I will compile the episodes on a playlist: So far it's just Motherwort lol She was the first You Know Herb podcast and it ain't perfect but, it'll do. Motherwort on youtube: You Know Motherwort! Leonurus cardiaca This is the herb that is a great go-to remedy for anxiety and moments of being overwhelmed. Motherwort is a: sedative, relaxant, carminative, cardiac tonic, uterine stimulant, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, nervine and diaphoretic. Motherwort is bitter, pungent, drying and cooling. You can harvest and use her leaves, stems and flowers of the upper half of the plant – the flowering tops. Motherwort has alkaloids which have an antispasmodic and hypotensive effect and encourage and ease uterine contractions. Tannins with astri...

Meet The Podcast Host

Welcome to Herbal Marie - a podcast about herbs and home remedies to heal yourself. All advice shall be considered suggestions. Please research all herbs before using and Discover ways to Feel Better and Be Well with your herbalist host Sadie Marie Cherico!! About Sadie Marie Cherico Sadie Marie Cherico is the Herbalist & Podcast Host of Herbal Marie and Herb Oracle: two podcasts exploring self-healing, self-love and self-expansion featuring herbs, herbal remedies, and insightful messages from tarot and oracle cards. Sadie is a mom of 3 beautiful souls that she is blessed to spend her days with and whom she adores completely!  Along with being completely infatuated with her children, Sadie is also utterly in love with the botanical kingdom and connecting with our plant friends.  Sadie enjoys being outside in the garden, biking with her kids, dancing 2 high vibe music, growing herbs, eating clean, promoting ways to heal yourself and or course, sharing her herb...