My Go-To Herb Motherwort
Hey ya'll ~ gonna be putting the You Know Herb podcasts on youtube for easy sharing and to spread the word about our fabulous herbal friends. I will compile the episodes on a playlist:
So far it's just Motherwort lol
She was the first You Know Herb podcast and it ain't perfect but, it'll do.
Motherwort on youtube:
You Know Motherwort!
Leonurus cardiaca
This is the herb that is a great go-to remedy for anxiety and moments of being overwhelmed.
Motherwort is a: sedative, relaxant, carminative, cardiac tonic, uterine stimulant, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, nervine and diaphoretic.
Motherwort is bitter, pungent, drying and cooling. You can harvest and use her leaves, stems and flowers of the upper half of the plant – the flowering tops.
Motherwort has alkaloids which have an antispasmodic and hypotensive effect and encourage and ease uterine contractions. Tannins with astringent properties that tighten and tone tissue. Bitter iridoid glycosides which aid in digestion and have a calming, sedative effect. Flavonoids: anti-inflammatory and antiviral. Triterpenes: relieve pain and support cardiovascular function.
Motherwort also has volatile oil, diterpenes, caffeic acid and vitamin A.
So that means, Motherwort is good for the heart, relaxation, digestion and gas, menstruation, labor, delivery and recovery, blood pressure, muscles, circulation and the nervous system.
“There is no better herb to take melancholy vapours from the heart, to strengthen it, and make a merry, cheerful, blithe soul.” Nicholas Culpeper 1653
Motherwort is good for the heart. It is a heart tonic. It strengthens and tones. Motherwort is good for: heart weakness, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, tachycardia or fast rapid heartbeat from an overactive thyroid, nervous heart conditions, anxiety, lowers and regulates high blood pressure, reducing high cholesterol levels and calms the heart and palpitations with calcium chloride.
Use Motherwort with Hawthorn for a heart tonic.
Motherwort is good for relaxation. Use this herb to calm the heart, for anxiety, as a sedative, muscle relaxant, tonic for the spine and nerves. Motherwort quiets the nervous system, soothes emotional response, promotes relaxation and is a antispasmodic.
Happy Tea idea: make a syrup or infused honey of Motherwort. Pairs well with Lemon Balm, an antidepressant, or Blue Vervain to reduce stress, anxiety and over-thinking.
Motherwort for females: uterine stimulant is helpful in labor, or the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, for delayed menses, irregularities. It’s a relaxant for cramps and pms. Motherwort can be used for physical and emotional support during menopause. Pair with sage for hot flashes. Motherwort reduces menstrual pain and stimulates flow. Avoid if your flow is heavy. Avoid in pregnancy as motherwort stimulates uterus muscle. Douche for infections and discharge with an infusion or diluted tincture. Motherwort for emotional and stress support for PMS, menopause and postpartum mamas.
Motherwort affirmations: I am nurturing. My courage allows me to open my heart. I am fertile. I birth new creations into my life. With calmness and strength, I welcome the never ending initiation of mothering.
Printable notes, affirmations and my chicken scratch about Motherwort:
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